What Drives You?
Making a difference.
For every entrepreneur out there, I will encourage you to look into this simple but yet so difficult to answer question, as you match it to what you are doing now, and what you have been trying to achieve.
There are so many obstacles to what we want to do, having this drive to push us further, motivates us to go beyond what mentally or physically possible.
Ask yourself this question every month, every week and everyday. And how the actions of what we are going to do help us to reach what we want to achieve.
It is not going to be easy, and that is why the reasons behind ‘What Drives You?’ is so important.
Without a clear understanding of what really drives us to do what we couldn’t have thought of, it will just make it all the more difficult.
The reasons should change over time, the direction may also evolve over time but the set of skills sets and knowledge should always be upgraded to be ready to face any challenges that we may partake in.
So What Drives You?