It can be very exciting if you are told to travel to meet partners and clients, especially where borders are opening up after 2 years of closure by many governments.
I had since traveled about 6 times since Dec 2021 to Malaysia as we expand our business and here are some tips to share:
- Arrange calls with folks, and friends on the other end to find out what had changed as people go back to work. It may seem like nothing but the way we work, behave, we communicate will have a huge impact on getting jobs done.
- Arrive at the airport much earlier with the necessary documentation for clearance, check that if you need to get yourself tested 48hours prior to boarding.
- Check all your toiletries if they are expired after 2 years of sitting idle too.
Everything is new to you as you broke the routine going back to flying again.
- For example, when in a foreign country check if everyone will want to have a meal with you where there is a need to remove the mask or to have that coffee in a public place. Just be sensitive to all these by asking what is most comfortable to the other parties prior to the activity.
- Do you need to shake hands or a fist bump will work just as well? Go for a fist bump to minimize the surface area of touching each other's palms.
- Do you need to hug or best to avoid it totally?
- Offer a bottle of sanitizer for both parties to clean their hands?
- Change your clothing after a day out and not try to stretch that to another day for yourself and your counterparts. You do not want to carry the dust or germs from earlier meetings over to the next day.
Just be as clean as you can, sensitive to others’ well beings and you should be able to close that business deals and have an equally enjoyable trip.