The 3 Things
Most entrepreneurs are always short of time, as we have thousands of things in our to do list when running own business.
But there are always 3 things that everyone should do:
- exercise
You need that mental and physical body to conquer daily challenges. Do it at least 3 times a week, walk, push up, dumbbells, running barbell..anything.
- read
At least 2 self improvement titles per month. We don't have all that opportunities to meet smart people, but their written works can help us navigate better in our pursue in business too.
- time off
Allocate some me time for yourself. Whether is to catch a movie, flipping books in Kinokuniya, play a console game, chat with a friend.
Give yourself at least half a day with have time to think, plan and execute with a fresh set of mind.
When your mind is readied, your body will execute to get better results.