Retrenched To Resilient
Have you been retrenched and seeking some advice to start your own business?
I have been helping some friends who have been let go over the past years, where they are your mid level managers to director level.
Some free help that I have been giving are via whatsapp texting, voice notes and virtual calls (1 to 1 to group). As it is not possible not to have such activities affecting the day job, I usually go right to the point. Straight on the face of what to do, with possible solutions, when they shared with me their challenges privately.
The biggest satisfaction is when some folks went back to work, joined a startup, company or even started their businesses!
But I know I can't run this type of free help, long and deep as resources are needed to make it more meaningful too. Also it can be pretty tiring, while I hope to help as many friends as I can but for someone who has 2 heart ops, I need to be wary of where I stand too and not push myself to be overtired too.