Paddy Tan
2 min readJan 28, 2024

Month End Blues

While Monday Blues is more commonly known to many than Month End Blues…. This is the part where many business owners or Startup founders are fearful of.


Not all the businesses are running well in such economy. Not all Startups have been invested and on the way to profitability.

In fact, it is the most common fear amongst the many who started their own business and figuring things out. Some delayed hiring their first employee, working themselves to the bone until there is a need to do so. Some will look into getting interns to cover as much grounds as possible, until they realized that it is time to bite the bullet and hire a full timer.

Lotsa budgeting, looking at the books to work out the balance between hiring someone in and getting enough sales to cover this extra expenses too.

And if the times are good, sales are in .. it be a good investment. But if the times are not good like now, where there are ‘Winters’ everywhere, you let the Month End Blues creep in.

This is the constant fear that many business owners face. And that add all that stress to what is already a hypercompetitie business environment to operate from.

Take a deep breathe. We will fight the Month End Blues and we will continue to thrive!

Paddy Tan
Paddy Tan

Written by Paddy Tan

I help Startups grow and scale in Southeast Asia. Within 100 days. Growth Strategist | Investor in Startups and SMEs | Scale Startups & Train Founders.

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