Let's get used to these inconveniences:
that there be lockdowns, restrictions to work, studies, leisure, way of life and it may never go back to old times
that we have to put on masks to go everywhere for that longest time
that the kids need to be reminded to be careful when out of the house all the time
that old folk can be worst than kids as they treasure their freedom more than their lives and they can be fucking dickheads
that businesses are going to be affected whenever other variants pop up and a list of activities that follow up to limit the way we interact
that the govt be sending out mixed signals as situations keep evolving and they be undoing many things that were rolled out
that there be an explosion of ways to make money just being in front of a webcam (example:
that we will all suffer from some sort of mental problems and some may not cope better than others
that we will eat more, sit more, exercise less, get frustrated easier, triggered at the drop of a pin
that other business associates don't reply you just as fast
that we want more physical interactions
that we will gain weight as we move much lesser within the 4 walls
that we will cut some friends off for being Anti-vax/mask
that some friends will cut us off cos we run our mouths more on social media